When it comes to solar panel installation, the goal is always to design your system to produce as much solar energy as possible. Solar panel technology has advanced significantly. Bifacial solar panels are a particularly exciting technological advancement.
Despite the fact that bifacial modules have been around since the 1960s, they have recently become a disruptor in the solar PV market due to the development of PERC (passivated emitter rear cell) technology. So, what exactly is a bifacial solar panel, and why should you consider them? Continue reading to find out!
What Exactly Are Bifacial Solar Panels?
According to Wikipedia, a bifacial solar panel is a photovoltaic solar cell that can produce electrical energy when illuminated on both of its surfaces, front or rear. Monofacial solar cells, on the other hand, only make electricity when photons hit their front side.
The disadvantages of bifacial solar panels are not the same as those of conventional solar panels. By producing power from both sides, a bifacial panel increases overall electricity generation.
They are often more durable because both sides are UV-resistant. When a bifacial solar panel is physically sound, the risk of potential-induced degradation (PID) is also reduced. Also, more electricity is made available, and the price of the balance of the system (BOS) falls.
When positioned on a brilliantly clear surface, bifacial panels generate more power from the backside (such as a white TPO ceiling or ground covered in light-colored pebbles, for example). This additional electricity generation has the potential to result in cleaner, more efficient, and 30% higher productivity.
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There are several bifacial module designs to choose from. We offer solar twin-cell and BIPV ranges in addition to the two main bifacial types. Some of them, but not all, are mounted.
Others have clear back sheets, while others have dual-glass back sheets. Although polycrystalline variants are available, crystalline silicon cells are the most commonly used. Unfortunately, power generated by both sides remains constant.
Other types of panels that reveal the back of the cells include frameless and dual glass modules. However, these cells are still not considered bifacial. There are bus bars on the front and back sides of the cells that make up the actual bifacial panels.
On the roof, the mono-facial solar panels are arranged in parallel racks. However, if the bifacial panels are placed at different or inclined angles from the ground, they will produce more energy.
Pergolas and specific ground-mounted systems are two commercial applications for bi-facial solar panels.
The most incredible places to use these bifacial solar panels are in industrial or communication infrastructures. The panels are angled and tilted away from a mounting surface, allowing light to reflect off of them. Bifacial solar panels are now as efficient as conventional solar panels due to their smaller size and higher efficiency.
Furthermore, when used for industrial purposes, bifacial solar panels are particularly effective. Transparent surfaces, as opposed to traditional panels, provide clean and efficient energy.
How Are Bifacial Solar Panels Installed for Maximum Efficiency?

To understand the distinction, first, learn how a monofacial solar array is constructed. A monofacial solar panel system, or a collection of one-sided solar panels, is installed in racks parallel to a surface, such as a roof.
Bifacial solar panels, as opposed to single-sided panels, are installed on a tilt because they produce more energy when they are angled off the roof or ground at varying degrees.
The three advantages of the titled installment of the bifacial solar array are listed below.
1. Absorbing more sunlight
There is a lot of reflection in these types of titled installations. Because sunlight reflects off of all objects at various angles, bifacial solar panels can capture more of it.
2. Effective on overcast days
Because of the preceding point, bifacial solar cells can be productive on cloudy days, whereas monofacial solar cells are at a disadvantage when there is no direct sunlight. Furthermore, because they are more durable, bifacials are less susceptible to weather damage.
Also read: What Happens To Solar Panels During Rainy Season
According to Wikipedia, because bifacial solar panels are more durable than conventional solar panel systems, warranties for them are typically 5+ years longer (that is, 30+ years versus 20-25 years).
3. Two energy surges per day
Depending on where it is placed, a titled installation can also create two peaks of energy during the day. For example, half of the bifacial in an array can be tilted to the east to catch the sunrise and early morning light. The second half can then be angled westward to catch the afternoon heat and sunset rays.
A vertical installation is another option for accomplishing this. The reflection of sunlight on the other side of the solar panels will also contribute to energy production during each peak.
Is A Bifacial Solar Panel More Efficient?

When we talk about efficiency, we’re talking about how a solar cell converts the amount of solar energy it receives into electrical energy.
Although bifacial panels produce more electricity than mono-facial panels, they are not twice as efficient, though solar panel manufacturers are working to achieve that in the future.
According to a study, bifacials can increase energy efficiency by 11% when compared to a conventional solar panel system. With a solar tracking system that continuously tilts solar cells toward the sun, bifacial solar cell efficiency can reach 27%.
This table compares bifacial solar panels to their competitors.
Advantages Of Bifacial Panels

The most important aspect is improved performance.
Because they can generate power from both sides of the panel, bifacial panels produce more energy overall. Traditional solar panels cannot generate the same amount of electricity as bifacial solar panels. When the modules are installed on a highly reflective surface, some manufacturers claim that the additional power generated from the rear will increase output by 30%.
Unlike traditional mono-facial panels, bifacial panels are frameless. Because the tempered glass is applied on both sides, they are frequently more durable. Tempered glass can withstand high temperatures, strong winds, and inclement weather. It is also resistant to UV rays.
PID, or potential-induced degradation, is caused by electrical currents deviating from their intended path. As a result, they cause damage to the solar panels. Bifacial panels that are not framed are used (without any metal).
As a result, the risk of potential-induced deterioration of solar cells is reduced (PID). Furthermore, because the exterior lacks metal contacts, bifacial panels do not need to be grounded.
Work Better in Diffused Light:
Because of the increased surface area, bifacial panels perform better in diffuse light than mono-facial panels. When considering long-term costs, these panels are thus affordable.
What Does The Future Hold For Bifacial Panels?
According to studies and results, bifacial modules can produce 10-20% more power than monofacial panels. If the conditions are ideal and single-axis trackers are used, the additional power can reach 30-40%.
Bifacial panels have proven to be a more efficient and productive option in large-scale off-grid installations; however, it is expected to find larger applications in even residential installations. According to a 2019 report, the bifacial market is expected to more than tenfold by 2024.
Final Thoughts
Bifacial solar panels provide a cutting-edge method of energy consumption by maximizing electricity production levels through clean energy generated during the sun’s rising and setting cycles.
Before investing in this clean and sustainable energy source, consider your roof, available installation space, finances, and energy consumption habits.
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Bifacial panels allow for the construction of community solar farms close to where customers need them, reducing the need for extensive electricity transmission upgrades.
Consider our collection for your next solar energy appliance purchase, as it now includes a larger selection of premium modules.